• The Sunday Edit: Organising the Props

    The Sunday Edit- organising the props profile 1911 3

    Ask me to organise my paperwork, mail and the like and I’ll find a hundred and one excuses not to do it but when it comes to the props I use for my photographs, I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to look for some storage solutions for my ever-growing collection of gems, glitter (yes glitter), ribbons and those butterflies which keep popping up in my photos.

    I mean who wants to spend a Sunday afternoon sorting through their mail when you could be splitting out dark blue beads from the pale blue ones and the medium-sized butterflies from the larger ones?  Well that’s what I did a few Sundays ago and a Sunday well spent it was.  I picked up my containers from various places including Homebase but I particularly love the one pictured below which houses all of my gems as it has 18 compartments and was a bargain £2.99 from a local knickknacks store.

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    At least now I can see what I have to work with and as someone who is notorious for not putting things back where I found them, I now have no excuse.   Although why is it any form of organising makes you want to buy even more stuff, especially for those empty containers you need to fill??  In fact, I’ve already made a mental list of some different coloured beads and gems I need (I’m thinking turquoise) and I happened to pick up some more butterflies the other day….oops, but in my defence I don’t have any dusky pink butterflies with bronze glitter!! Oh well, at least all these props go to good use.

    Sure everything has a home now and is easily accessible but there is more to all this organising than meets the eye.  For one thing it looks like I could open up my own arts and crafts store, trust me I actually have a whole lot more than what is pictured here. It’s also incredibly therapeutic and just look at how pretty the result is.  I just wish I could apply the same enthusiasm for the more mundane things which I normally shove somewhere out of sight.  Maybe one day I’ll sort out that paperwork but in the meantime I remain proud of how I’ve organised my props and lets face it, this is much more interesting to photograph.

    I’m thinking I might move on to my jewellery next, now that would be fun…..x

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