• The Sunday Edit: A Bit Obsessed with Pinterest

    The Sunday Edit: A Bit Obsessed with Pinterest

    This week I’ve been nursing a cold, sore throat, body aches and all that nasty stuff (boo).  It’s not great and it meant I wasn’t able to get this Thursday’s post up….so much for keeping…

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    The Sunday Edit: Happy New Year

    The Sunday Edit: Happy New Year

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’m afraid I’m going to have to use that age-old cliché and say….where on earth did 2016 go?  I guess it doesn’t really matter because here we are in 2017 and this…

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    The Sunday Edit: Just a Little Note to Say…..

    The Sunday Edit: Just a Little Note to Say…..

    Merry Christmas! After all the hustle and bustle, the last minute shopping and the office parties and raffles galore, Christmas day is finally here and I just thought I’d keep this post short and sweet and…

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    The Sunday Edit: Why I Set Up My Blog

    The Sunday Edit: Why I Set Up My Blog

    As someone who really isn’t a social media person and doesn’t like sharing a lot about myself, setting up a blog is such a contradiction.  In fact, at first I stayed quiet about it for…

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    The Sunday Edit: Looking Ahead but Still in Wind Down Mode

    The Sunday Edit: Looking Ahead but Still in Wind Down Mode

    What is it about December where you automatically wind down and give yourself an excuse to just wait until next year?  Even though my 2 weeks staycation is coming to a close and tomorrow I…

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    The Sunday Edit: Keeping Myself Busy

    The Sunday Edit: Keeping Myself Busy

    Planners and agendas have always been something I used to pick up in store, have a flick through and then think to myself…. “I’m not that busy that I need one of these and what…

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    The Sunday Edit: Having A Staycation

    The Sunday Edit: Having A Staycation

    Phew…..I’ve got 2 weeks holiday and boy am I grateful for this.  As usual I leave taking the bulk of my holidays towards the end of the year end and then umm and ahh over…

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    The Sunday Edit: Organising the Props

    The Sunday Edit: Organising the Props

    Ask me to organise my paperwork, mail and the like and I’ll find a hundred and one excuses not to do it but when it comes to the props I use for my photographs, I…

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    The Sunday Edit: Caring For Me For A Change

    The Sunday Edit: Caring For Me For A Change

    I’m one of those people that expends way too much time in the mind and I give so much of my energy away that people don’t know it.  I probably need to get into the…

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    The Sunday Edit: Keeping It Real

    The Sunday Edit: Keeping It Real

    Welcome to a new regular feature on my blog – The Sunday Edit.  The focus?  Well, it’ll be a relaxed, short and sweet lifestyle post with anything from advice and tips to what I’ve been…

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